We have launched our Love and Luck fundraiser, our only fundraising initiative to support the unique programming we offer for individuals and community-based organizations. We hope you can help make it a success!
Also, please join us to learn “How To Tell Somebody Something They’d Rather Not Hear,” Saturday, March 1st or Saturday, March 15th from 10 to 10:30 am Eastern (US). Send email to info@parentsforum.org with WORKSHOP SIGNUP as the subject. Space is limited.

Parents Forum fosters caring, honest and respectful communications in families by offering a peer-led parenting program model to organizations invested in community well being.

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Parent Forum’s Focus
On International Families Day 2023, Eve Sullivan, the founder of Parents Forum was interview about Parents Forum’s unique programs that focus on emotional awareness and peer support in parenting.
“No Hard Feelings, Really!”
Parents Forum held a free, one-hour webinar to show how to use Parents Forum’s conversational formula to appropriately share your feelings in ways that improve both your personal and professional relationships.
Parents Forum brochure is now available in five languages!

Our workshops build lifelong skills that help you manage your personal lives as well as our relationships at work and at home. Learn more about Parents Forum or download our brochure to find out more. Now available in: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Portuguese.
How to tell somebody something they’d rather not hear . . . it is possible!
Acquiring the skills Parents Forum offers for managing interpersonal conflicts can be life-changing, especially in early adulthood. Sometimes, a friendship or a challenging work situation can be transformed by one person finding the right words to deliver a message to another person who might not want to hear it. The process can preserve the relationship and create a happier future in both personal and professional life.