About Us
Parents Forum is a non-profit, community-based organization that offers workshops teaching emotional awareness to help participants improve their communication skills.
We offer workshops and programs to community-based organizations and employers. Our workshop curriculum was developed by Eve Sullivan and Christine Bates and is explained in the program handbook Where the Heart Listens, written by Eve Sullivan.
In 1993 the program was given a special “Social Venturing Award” as a socially responsible business idea by the Entrepreneurs Club of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1994 the Massachusetts Volunteer Network gave Parents Forum an Honorable Mention as “Program of the Year.” In 2009 Parents Forum co-founders Christine Bates and Eve Sullivan were awarded an MIT Excellence Award for “Creating Connections” in recognition of their volunteer work with Parents Forum.
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Our brochure is currently available in five languages.
Our Mission
Parents Forum’s mission is to foster caring, honest and respectful communications throughout society, starting in families.