Parents with Disabilities

On NPR’s Talk of the Nation this afternoon, host Neal Conan discussed the challenges faced by parents who have disabilities No surprise that they, like parents who are not disabled, have difficulty finding support as parents. Some of the stories, from guests on...

The Learning Brain, all about working memory

The Learning Brain is a fascinating and readable book, important for parents, educators and parenting educators, by Torkel Klingberg, just out. The author’s blog: I met and spoke with Klingberg at a...

A Note to Educators

With thanks to John D’Auria of Teachers21 who co-wrote this column, please see: A Note To Educators As School Begins: Parents and teachers are natural allies with common interests in promoting healthy development in children and young...

Waving the flag for parenting education

Yes, my day in New York, Thursday, September 27, for a meeting of the NGO Family Committee at the U.N. was exciting! Since the General Assembly was in session, there were lots of delegates out and about – many recognizable by country flag pins on their lapels –...

Ask a parenting educator

Today’s ‘Ask Amy’ column by Amy Dickinson ‘father is re-creating cycle of bad parenting’ does not mention parenting education. Please! When are we as a society going to realize that parents’ concerns are * not * signs of mental...