Our goal as parenting educators

We want parents to raise compassionate children . . . http://nyti.ms/1m00bbn . . . right The parenting education and support that social services presently offer does not seem to do enough to help enough parents accomplish this goal. I suggest we consider more peer...

World stage, a starring role for parenting education?

Yes, there were over 4000 other representatives of nonprofits at the UN in New York last week for the Department of Public Information (DPI) NGO conference, but parenting education was represented. I was there on behalf of the International Federation for Parenting...

Overdue for an update – exciting stuff coming up

Seriously, I should post more often. Tomorrow (Thursday March 27, 2014) there is a meeting of the UN NGO Committee on the Family in New York, at 12:30 in the Church Center. The topic is “Military Parents and the Family: An Exploration of Paths to Strengthen the...