by kbeck-pf | Sep 5, 2022 | Voices of Parents Forum Newsletter
These past few years have not been easy for families, as the pandemic brought challenges that in many ways divided families instead of uniting them. Parents struggled to find ways to connect with and support their children. I am thrilled to join Parents Forum as the...
by kbeck-pf | Apr 21, 2022 | Voices of Parents Forum Newsletter
To be able to communicate effectively is very important. When I came to the United States at the age of 20, an immigrant from Syria, I experienced a huge barrier in communicating with others. Where I was raised, I was an outspoken and active student and did public...
by kbeck-pf | Jan 25, 2022 | Voices of Parents Forum Newsletter
Parents across the country are very concerned about how the pandemic is affecting student learning and we don’t want to return to “normal.” We want to see bold changes in how our kids are educated. We know that many school district leaders and school boards are...
by kbeck-pf | Dec 19, 2021 | Voices of Parents Forum Newsletter
Two women from the Association for Psychological Aid, Research and Training in Algiers are leading a team to implement Parents Forum at their counseling center. The project is supported by a grant from the Middle East Partnership Initiative through the US Embassy in...
by kbeck-pf | Nov 23, 2021 | Voices of Parents Forum Newsletter
Parents Forum has partnered with The Confess Project to bridge the gap between underserved communities and access to mental health services and parenting resources. We’re taking a stand against inter-generational trauma and helping break the cycles of abuse and...