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Parents Forum partners with the American Society for Positive Care of Children

Parents Forum partners with the American Society for Positive Care of Children

Parents Forum invites parents, caregivers and those who work with families to a short, practical workshop, “How To Tell Somebody Something They’d Rather Not Hear,” which can transform challenging situations in families, between friends and among coworkers.
With ‘Love and Luck’ fund-raiser, Cambridge nonprofit aims to help parents

With ‘Love and Luck’ fund-raiser, Cambridge nonprofit aims to help parents

After her husband was murdered in El Salvador in 2011, Elizabeth Neely didn't know how to tell the news to their teenage son, with whom she struggled to communicate. She found help through the Parents Forum, a Cambridge nonprofit, which was offering a workshop at the Dimock Center in Roxbury. The forum's founder, Eve Sullivan, helped her find the right words.
Parents Forum debuts new tagline

Parents Forum debuts new tagline

Parents Forum invites individual parents and community leaders to create local chapters and requests inquiries by June 1, Global Day of Parents.
Parents Forum offers help in meeting mental health crisis

Parents Forum offers help in meeting mental health crisis

Parents Forum invites individual parents and community leaders to create local chapters and requests inquiries by June 1, Global Day of Parents.
Parenting education recognized as workforce development

Parenting education recognized as workforce development

Recognizing parenting education as workforce development will hopefully prompt community leaders to consider adopting the peer support program to complement other initiatives helping parents.
How can workplace parenting education programs help? Ask HR

How can workplace parenting education programs help? Ask HR

Johnny C. Taylor Jr., a human resources expert, tackles the question: How can providing parenting education in the workplace support parents in their role as employees?
Parents Forum Launches Love and Luck Campaign

Parents Forum Launches Love and Luck Campaign

During the pandemic, parents have an urgent need for greater emotional support. Parents Forum wants to help meet this need with a two-part initiative, “Love and Luck.”
The Parents Forum receives $7,500 grant from Gannett Foundation

The Parents Forum receives $7,500 grant from Gannett Foundation

A democracy relies on law and order, yes. However, “the smallest democracy at the heart of society” (as the 1994 UN International Year of the Family called it), a family, needs love and order. Amid the rightful outrage and peaceful street protests worldwide, it is nearly impossible to muster the peace of mind required to focus on love in our hearts, our homes, our communities.
Parents Forum Receives Grant

Parents Forum Receives Grant

Parents Forum is part of Gannett Foundation’s four-week fundraising challenge called ‘A Community Thrives’. It starts Monday Sept. 21 at noon and runs through Friday October 16. Please support us!