Parents Forum Workshop

About the Parents Forum Workshop
Parenting is full of challenges, 24/7, with no holidays! Even the numerous parenting guides and websites have their limitations. For most of us, exchanging ideas in person with people we know and trust is key to making positive changes in our lives.
Parents Forum gives us new ways to:
- handle strong emotions
- improve the balance in our lives
- teach our values
- use both guidance and encouragement in raising our children
The strategies Parents Forum teaches can help us immediately with everyday challenges. Over time, these strategies can help parents become more competent and confident and help children become more optimistic and resilient. Parents Forum is unique in that it aims at prevention rather than problem-solving and is peer-facilitated, rather than professionally led.
The ultimate goal of Parents Forum is nothing less than to transform the experience of parenting by normalizing parenting education. We see our program as a natural complement to the specialized support and professional help parents may need as their children grow and change.
How long is this workshop?
The full Parents Forum workshop takes three to four hours. It can also be taught in a single four-hour session (in two parts with a short break between) or as modules: two two-hour sessions or four one-hour sessions on different days. It can be taught in-person or online via webinar.
What does it cost?
The base workshop fee is $750. We can lead workshops in-person or online via webinar. For in-person workshops, we also charge travel expenses for our workshop facilitator. Most of the materials used in the workshop can be printed in-house, but we encourage workshop participants to purchase the program handbook, Where the Heart Listens.
The curriculum can also be licensed for community groups who wish to offer the program more than once.