Yes, there were over 4000 other representatives of nonprofits at the UN in New York last week for the Department of Public Information (DPI) NGO conference, but parenting education was represented. I was there on behalf of the

International Federation for Parenting Education celebrating its 50-year anniversary !

Please write to if you want more information in FIEP!

Two highlights – after a three-hour line for registration – were a panel presentation on media strategies to support mental health, thanks to the NGO Mental Health Committee, and the opportunity to contribute to the final conference declaration. Not sure yet if this point was included, but please tell me what you think…

“Parenting education shall be supported by government agencies, corporate entities and civil society organizations – within health care, mental health, educational and workforce programming – as an essential service to support intergenerational solidarity and counteract the commercialization of our lives and the deep-rooted, pervasive violence in many communities.”

…and pass the word!

Happy Labor Day to every working person, especially those who are working on this holiday, and Happy Birthday to my dear sister!!


p.s. See this back-to-school column on emotional awareness that I wrote for PTO Today.