Each of us, doing what we can

I guess that’s why we go to church, to be lifted up:  One of the lessons today was on the gifts of the spirit and how each of us receives our own particular gifts. The message reassured me, because I’ve been thinking that I am not doing enough or maybe...

Response to earthquake disaster in Haiti

The disaster is geographically distant from me in Cambridge, Mass., and so enormous that it is very hard to grasp. But many Haitians live and work near us in Boston and are affected. How can we support them, as individuals and as parents? A booklist came to me from...

New Year’s Resolutions

Yes, the usual: lose 20 pounds, exercise more …and blog more often, to keep in touch with whomever may be reading my posts.  Whoooo are you? The third edition of Where the Heart Listens is at our printer and we are waiting for the final proof. Things always...